How is coaching different from therapy?
Therapy focuses more on understanding how past experiences are affecting the client currently and addressing those issues. Many times the session is based on what the client is feeling that day. Coaching is action-focused with the coach partnering with the client to discover their own solutions and develop a plan to make progress toward their goals. The client is expected to actively engage with the process and take steps to move from where they are now to where they want to be. Coaching is not a space to vent and stay stuck. I’m happy to refer clients to a therapist if they are needing support that is beyond the bounds of coaching.
What does confidentiality mean in coaching?
Your status as a client of mine and anything you say in or out of sessions will be completely confidential. For example, I will only engage with you if I see you in person if I have explicit permission from you. It’s your choice to disclose to your loved ones if you are receiving coaching or what you talk about in sessions. However, I am required to break confidentiality if you express that you are wanting to cause harm to yourself or someone else or if elderly or child abuse has occurred.
Is there a benefit to working with a credentialed coach?
Yes! The market has been flooded with people who call themselves coaches, but have not received any formalized coach training. The International Coaching Federation (ICF) is the regulating body for coaching and holds the gold standard. An ICF credentialed coach has undergone many hours of coach training, agreed to an oath of ethics, and passed multiple exams to earn their credential. It was important to me to commit to the highest standard of coaching so I can provide the best possible service to my clients. I received my Professional Certified Coach (PCC) after 140 hours of training and 500 hours coaching with clients.
Who is a typical coaching client?
Typical coaching clients tend to feel stuck and have a deep desire within to strive for more and grow personally or professionally. A coaching client is ready to look within, reflect, try new approaches, and do the work to go after their goals. Ideally, a coaching client has engaged in therapy, currently receiving therapy, or feels mentally healthy. It’s challenging to focus on working toward your goals if past experiences are affecting your mental health.
What should I expect during a coaching engagement or session?
At the beginning of the coaching engagement, we’ll assess where you’re at currently, any issues you’re facing, and what’s important for you to get out of our time together. We’ll clarify your core values, develop a plan to reach your goals, and work through any roadblocks or resistance that comes up along the way. Each session will be 60 minutes and follow similar format of checking in about progress from the previous session, determining the goal for that day’s session, working toward that goal through powerful questions, exercises and introspection, checking in at the end of the session for any new insights or learnings, then determining steps to be completed by the next session.
Coaching involves a lot of questions which help you reflect more deeply, think in new ways, see other possibilities and perspectives, shift your mindset, and move in a positive direction. It may feel uncomfortable at first, but that’s how we’re able to grow and begin to flourish!